Lancaster school's 'ludicrous' ruling on colour of face masks

Some schools have asked students to wear only plain blue or black face masks. Photo: Stock image by Getty ImagesSome schools have asked students to wear only plain blue or black face masks. Photo: Stock image by Getty Images
Some schools have asked students to wear only plain blue or black face masks. Photo: Stock image by Getty Images
A retired health visitor has said a Lancaster secondary school is 'ludicrous' for insisting students wear only blue or black face masks.

Jennifer Birch said Central Lancaster High School's rule on face coverings was particularly galling for parents who had already paid for or made masks for their children.

Jennifer, who has friends with children at the school, said: "For a school to be insisting that a face mask is plain blue or black, or a surgical mask, is ludicrous.

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"I accept they have high uniform standards, which I think is great and I agree with that, but I just think this is crazy.

"I am sure most people would be happy just to see the children wearing a mask, and not be bothered what colour it is.

"It's fair enough that it should not have something obscene on it, but if there's a smiley face or a bright colour which can cheer people up a bit, does it really matter?

"I just think this is a bit over the top, especially if the parents have gone to the bother of buying or making masks already."

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Jennifer's own grandchild attends another high school in the district which does not specify what colour mask should be worn.

She added: "From a health point of view, as a former health visitor I am more concerned with making sure a child is wearing a mask than what is on it."

Central's website says that: "If [face masks] are fabric these should be plain blue or black and secure behind the ears (no scarves/bandanas etc.); Alternatively, blue medical-type masks are acceptable."

Dr Nick Walmsley, principal at Central Lancaster High School, said the school is offering free masks to those who need them.

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He said: "This advice went to parents in July as part of our preparations for September and was reiterated to parents when face coverings became mandatory last week.

"From the point that the government guidance came into force last week, we have been supplying the surgical-type masks free of charge to any pupils who require them for whatever reason. We will continue to do this.

"We now also have in school a stock of reusable cloth face coverings which will be available to pupils free of charge in the first instance."

Central Lancaster High School is a member of the Bay Learning Trust, which was set up in 2017 by Ripley St Thomas CE Academy and also includes Carnforth High School and Morecambe Bay Academy.

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All four schools have similar rules on plain blue/black face mask colours outlined on their websites.

Meanwhile, Our Lady's Catholic College said they do not have a specific rule for face mask colours, while Lancaster Royal Grammar School said they have no rules on colour "but they should be of discreet design".

Lancaster Girls' Grammar School does not specify face mask colours, but asks pupils to wear them at movement times in school, with the option of wearing in class too if they prefer.

A county council spokesman confirmed that there is no county directive regarding the colour of masks, but that guidance has been circulated to schools.

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