Practise safe sex to avoid STIs and unplanned babies

Sue Capstick, service manager for Lancashire Cares contraception and sexual health (CaSH) service.Sue Capstick, service manager for Lancashire Cares contraception and sexual health (CaSH) service.
Sue Capstick, service manager for Lancashire Cares contraception and sexual health (CaSH) service.
Young people are being encouraged to practice safe sex this summer to help prevent unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Lancashire’s Contraception and Sexual Health Service is reminding young people of the importance of looking after their health this summer which includes protecting themselves from UV rays, keeping an eye on alcohol intake and practising safe sex.

In 2015 there were over 435,000 new STI diagnoses in England, with under 25s experiencing the highest rates of Chlamydia, genital herpes and genital warts.

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In 2014, 1 in 10 young people who took a Chlamydia test in Lancashire tested positive for the infection. Chlamydia often has no signs or symptoms so it is really important that people who have put themselves at risk get tested.

Sue Capstick, Contraception and Sexual Health Service Manager at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, said: “The summer sees a high volume of under 25s visiting holiday destinations and festivals, and the message from the service is have fun, stay safe and take precautions so you don’t bring back any unwanted souvenirs.”

To contact your local Contraception and Sexual Health Team, book an appointment or find out about ‘drop ins’ please call 01772 401140. The service is free.